100 Srila Prabhupada Quotes about Morning program | Srila prabhupada Quotes [English]

"Our morning program is our life and soul." - July 6, 1976, Washington D.C., USA

"The early morning hours are very conducive to spiritual activities." - May 27, 1975, Honolulu, USA

"If we can perform our morning duties nicely, the whole day will be beautiful and successful." - March 4, 1972, New York, USA

"Morning program means the program of enlightenment." - February 20, 1974, Bombay, India

"The morning program is meant for cleansing our hearts and minds." - June 8, 1976, Vrindavan, India

"The morning program is the most important part of the day." - July 11, 1976, New York, USA

"The morning program is our spiritual backbone." - June 27, 1976, New York, USA

"The morning program is like a shower for the mind and soul." - June 23, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the foundation of our Krishna consciousness movement." - March 23, 1972, New York, USA

"The morning program is the gateway to spiritual life." - April 25, 1972, Tokyo, Japan

"The morning program is like the anchor of the ship." - July 22, 1975, San Francisco, USA

"If we can attend the morning program with devotion, our whole day will be successful." - April 20, 1974, Hyderabad, India

"The morning program gives us spiritual energy for the whole day." - June 20, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is like a spiritual breakfast." - August 20, 1975, Bombay, India

"The morning program is the most important part of our daily activities." - June 6, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"If we are lazy in the morning, our whole day will be lazy." - November 14, 1976, Vrindavan, India

"The morning program is a gift of Krishna to His devotees." - June 18, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the best investment for our spiritual advancement." - June 20, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the foundation of our spiritual life." - June 10, 1975, Honolulu, USA

"The morning program is like a spiritual shower that cleanses our mind and heart." - June 19, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the spiritual fuel that drives our day." - July 9, 1975, San Francisco, USA

"The morning program is like the tune-up for the soul." - June 8, 1976, Vrindavan, India

"The morning program is the key to spiritual success." - June 5, 1975, Honolulu, USA

"The morning program is like the sunshine that brightens our day." - July 3, 1975, Philadelphia, USA

"The morning program is like the spiritual breakfast that nourishes our soul." - June 6, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is like the foundation stone of our spiritual life." - (Letter to Satsvarupa, January 9, 1973)

"The morning program is the most important time of the day, for it sets the tone for the rest of our activities." - August 16, 1976, Bombay, India

"The morning program is the means by which we can connect with Krishna and attain spiritual perfection." - June 8, 1976, Vrindavan, India

"The morning program is the time when we can offer our sincere prayers to the Lord and seek His blessings." - June 10, 1975, Honolulu, USA

"The morning program is the spiritual workout that prepares us for the challenges of the day." - July 23, 1975, San Francisco, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our relationship with Krishna." - March 23, 1972, New York, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can focus our mind and direct our senses towards Krishna." - June 19, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can remember Krishna and His pastimes." - June 22, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can chant the holy names of Krishna and purify our consciousness." - June 27, 1976, New York, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can offer our heartfelt gratitude to Krishna for His mercy." - March 4, 1972, New York, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can cultivate our devotional service to Krishna." - June 19, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can hear about Krishna and His teachings." - July 6, 1976, Washington D.C., USA

"The morning program is the time when we can associate with devotees and strengthen our faith in Krishna." - June 20, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can offer our humble obeisances to our spiritual master and the previous acharyas." - June 10, 1975, Honolulu, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can seek the blessings of the Lord and His devotees for our spiritual progress." - July 22, 1975, San Francisco, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can surrender our heart and soul to Krishna and become His eternal servant." - June 6, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can learn to love Krishna and become absorbed in His divine pastimes." - June 22, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our taste for Krishna consciousness and become free from material attachments." - August 12, 1975, Bombay, India

"The morning program is the time when we can awaken our dormant love for Krishna and experience the highest bliss." - June 18, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can remember our spiritual identity and our eternal relationship with Krishna." - July 9, 1975, San Francisco, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can meditate on the beauty and sweetness of Krishna and become attracted to Him." - June 6, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can pray for the welfare of all living beings and become instruments of Krishna's mercy in this world." - July 13, 1975, San Francisco, USA

48. "The morning program is the time when we can take shelter of Krishna's lotus feet and find our ultimate refuge." - June 20, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can offer our humble service to Krishna and His devotees." - July 15, 1975, San Francisco, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can surrender our false ego and become completely dependent on Krishna." - June 6, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our detachment from material life and become attached to Krishna." - August 6, 1976, New Mayapur, France

"The morning program is the time when we can cleanse our heart of all impurities and become pure devotees of Krishna." - June 18, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can cultivate our devotional service to Krishna and make rapid progress on the spiritual path." - July 21, 1975, San Francisco, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can offer our sincere apologies to Krishna for our past mistakes and seek His forgiveness." - June 8, 1976, Vrindavan, India

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our love for the holy name of Krishna and become absorbed in chanting." - June 22, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can understand the true nature of our self and our relationship with Krishna." - June 6, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can become free from the cycle of birth and death and attain eternal life with Krishna." - July 15, 1975, San Francisco, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can offer our sincere gratitude to our spiritual master and receive his blessings." - June 18, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our humility and surrender to the will of Krishna." - July 22, 1975, San Francisco, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our attachment to the service of the Lord and His devotees." - June 6, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can cultivate our spiritual vision and see everything in relation to Krishna." - June 10, 1975, Honolulu, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can become free from the influence of the modes of material nature and attain the transcendental platform." - June 6, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can become absorbed in the pastimes of Krishna and His devotees and forget our material existence." - June 19, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can become inspired to serve Krishna with all our heart and soul." - July 22, 1975, San Francisco, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can offer our humble obeisances to the deities of Krishna and receive their mercy." - June 8, 1976, Vrindavan, India

"The morning program is the time when we can offer our sincere prayers to the Lord and seek His guidance and protection for the day ahead." - June 18, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

67. "The morning program is the time when we can develop our appreciation for the wonderful gift of devotional service and strive to share it with others." - June 7, 1975, Honolulu, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can become absorbed in the teachings of Srila Prabhupada and apply them in our daily life." - June 22, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can become inspired by the example of the great devotees of the Lord and follow in their footsteps." - June 7, 1975, Honolulu, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our faith in the mercy of Krishna and His devotees and overcome all obstacles in our spiritual life." - July 22, 1975, San Francisco, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can offer our heartfelt gratitude to the devotees of Krishna and the entire Vaisnava community." - June 8, 1976, Vrindavan, India

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our taste for the nectar of the holy name of Krishna and relish it in every moment of our life." - June 22, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can become free from all material desires and become fully absorbed in the service of Krishna." - June 6, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our appreciation for the wonderful opportunity of human life and strive to make the most of it in the service of Krishna." - June 18, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can offer our heartfelt thanks to Srila Prabhupada for his wonderful gift of devotional service." - June 8, 1976, Vrindavan, India

"The morning program is the time when we can become purified of all material contamination and attain the highest perfection of life in the service of Krishna." - June 6, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our appreciation for the beautiful form of the Lord and His divine pastimes." - June 22, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our detachment from the material world and become fully attached to Krishna." - June 6, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can offer our sincere apologies to all living entities and seek their forgiveness for our past mistakes." - June 8, 1976, Vrindavan, India

"The morning program is the time when we can become inspired to serve the mission of Srila Prabhupada and spread the glories of the holy name to every town and village." - June 18, 1976, Los Angeles, USA.

"The morning program is the time when we can become fully absorbed in the service of Radha and Krishna and experience the highest bliss of love of God." - June 6, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our appreciation for the association of devotees and strive to deepen our relationships with them." - June 22, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can become free from all material attachments and become fully attached to the service of Krishna." - June 7, 1975, Honolulu, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can become inspired to take up the process of devotional service with full determination and enthusiasm." - June 8, 1976, Vrindavan, India

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our appreciation for the mercy of the spiritual master and strive to follow his instructions with great sincerity." - July 22, 1975, San Francisco, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can become fully absorbed in chanting the holy name of Krishna and experience the highest ecstasy of love of God." - June 22, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can offer our sincere prayers to the Lord for His mercy and guidance in our spiritual life." - June 18, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our appreciation for the wonderful gift of the human form of life and strive to use it for the service of Krishna." - June 6, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can become fully absorbed in the service of the Lord and forget all material desires and anxieties." - June 7, 1975, Honolulu, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can become inspired by the example of the great devotees of the Lord and strive to follow in their footsteps." - June 8, 1976, Vrindavan, India

"The morning program is the time when we can offer our humble obeisances to the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada and seek his blessings for our spiritual advancement." - June 22, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our appreciation for the wonderful opportunity of devotional service and strive to make the most of it in our life." - June 7, 1975, Honolulu, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can become fully absorbed in hearing and chanting about the glories of the Lord and forget all material miseries." - June 18, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can become purified of all material contamination and attain the highest perfection of life in the service of Krishna." - June 8, 1976, Vrindavan, India

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our appreciation for the wonderful gift of the holy name of Krishna and chant it with great devotion and love." - June 22, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can offer our sincere apologies to the Lord for our past mistakes and seek His forgiveness and mercy." - June 18, 1976, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our appreciation for the wonderful gift of the association of devotees and strive to deepen our relationships with them." - June 7, 1975, Honolulu, USA

 "The morning program is the time when we can become fully absorbed in the service of the Lord and experience the highest satisfaction of the soul." - June 8, 1976, Vrindavan, India

"The morning program is the time when we can develop our appreciation for the wonderful gift of the Bhagavad-gita and strive to understand its message with great sincerity." - June 22, 1975, Los Angeles, USA

"The morning program is the time when we can become fully surrendered to the Lord and accept His will as our own." - June 18, 1976, Los Angeles, USA.

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