Jayapataka Swami Ashtakam | Jayapataka Swami Ashtakam Lyrics

yasya hṛdaye gaura nitāī vāsaḥ ,yaḥ dhāma dayāyāḥ vitaraṇa kartā
yaḥ mahāprabhoḥ nitya pārṣadaḥ,
tasmai jayapatākāsvāmineḥ namaḥ
Whose heart is the abode of Gaur and Nitai , Who is the distributor of mercy of Dham, and is the eternal associate of Lord Mahaprabhu, I bow unto the lotus feet of that Jayapataka Swami Gurumaharaj.
nirdeśānāṃ pālane nimagnaḥ
abhiyānasya vijaya dhwaja rūpaṃ,
tasmai jayapatākāsvāmine namaḥ
Prabhupad's beloved spiritual son, always busy in obeying His instructions ,The victory flag of the movement ,I bow down unto the lotus feet of that Jayapataka Swami Gurumaharaj
nitāī kṛpāyāḥ vitarakaḥ , caitanyalīlāyāḥ vācakaḥ
gaurabhāvanāmṛtasya pracārakaḥ,
tasmai jayapatākāsvāmine namaḥ
Who's the distributor of the mercy of Nitai, narrator of Caitanya leela,The generous preacher of Gaura-consciousness
I bow unto the lotus feet of that Jaypataka Swami Gurumaharaj
prabhupādasya priyaḥ nayanatārakaṃ,
guruḥ bhātṛbhaginībhyaśca preraṇā
śiṣyānāṃ śāśvata āśrayaḥ,
tasmai jayapatākāsvāmine namaḥ
The apple of Prabhupad's eye, inspiration for the Guru siblings, the eternal shelter of His disciples, I bow unto the lotus feet of that Jaypataka Swami Gurumaharaj
yaḥ jīvānāṃ kalyāṇārthaṃ adbhutamaṃdira
nirmāṇe saṃlagnaḥ
pracāraḥ eva sāraṃ yasya uddeśyaḥ
tasmai jayapatākāsvāmine namaḥ
For the welfare of the living, who is building the Adhbhut temple(TOVP), Living the fact that "Preaching is the essence" I bow unto the lotus feet of that Jaypataka Swami Gurumaharaj
prabhupādaṃ prasannakaraṇārthaṃ yaḥ atiśayaḥ dehakleśaṃ sahate
pracārāya eva dehaṃ puṣyati
tasmai jayapatākāsvāmine namaḥ
In order to please Prabhupada,
constantly tolerating the afflictions of the body, maintaining His body for preaching only, I bow unto the lotus feet of that Jaypataka Swami Gurumaharaj
hastau urdhvaṃ kṛtvā gaurāṃgā kīrtayati
patitān pāvanakartā
yaḥaudāryasya pratimūrti:
tasmai jayapatākāsvāmine namaḥ।
By hailing "Gauranga Gauranga" with two raised hands, Who sanctifies the fallen ones, Who is the personification of Audarya,I bow unto the lotus feet of that Jaypataka Swami Gurumaharaj
oha mama priyaḥ gurudevaḥ sadā ,
mama netrayoḥ samakṣaṃ bhavet
ahaṃ bhavantam ekaṃ kṣaṇāya api ,na vismareyam itthaṃ
āśīrvādaṃ dadātu।।
āśīrvādaṃ dadātu।।
āśīrvādaṃ dadātu।।
Oh my dear Gurudev, you always be in front of my eyes, I should not forget you even for a moment, give such a blessing, please give such a blessing .

Written by:
Satyabhama Sadhvi Devi Dasi


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