Jayapataka Swami: A true bhakta of Gouranga

In the land of holy Vrindavan,

Amidst the chanting of the Hare Krishna Mantra,

Stands a towering figure, noble and grand,

The great Jayapataka Swami, a true bhakta.

With devotion in his heart and love in his eyes,

He guides us on the path of righteousness,

Through his teachings, we learn to be wise,

And purify our souls of all unholiness.

His voice resonates with divine grace,

And his words are like nectar to the ear,

He inspires us to seek the Lord's face,

And find eternal joy, free from fear.

In every moment, he serves with love,

With a heart full of compassion and care,

He shows us the way to rise above,

And attain the highest spiritual fare.

So let us bow down to this saintly soul,

And offer our hearts at his lotus feet,

For in his presence, we feel whole,

And find a love that is pure and sweet.

Jayapataka Swami, our guru and guide,

May your blessings be with us always,

As we walk with you by our side,

On the path of devotion, through life's maze. 

Jayapataka Swami, dear to Gouranga Mahaprabhu,

A devotee with a heart full of love and service true,

His dedication to the Lord is unwavering and pure,

His life a testament to the teachings of the scripture.

Through his words and actions, he inspires and uplifts,

Guiding countless souls on the spiritual path's gift,

With his wisdom and grace, he dispels all doubt and fear,

And leads us closer to the Lord, ever so near.

With humility and compassion, he serves all with kindness,

And his devotion to Gouranga fills our hearts with gladness,

For in him we see the love of the Lord manifest,

A living example of what it means to be truly blessed.

Oh Jayapataka Swami, dear to Gouranga Mahaprabhu,

We offer our humble obeisances and love to you,

May your life be a shining beacon of devotion and light,

Guiding us all to the Lord's eternal divine sight.


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